Posts from January 2015

Be Careful of Behavior Modification
• • • • • Parenting Tip January 24, 2015 Be Careful of Behavior Modification Sandra is four years old. You can often hear her mom make statements like this. “Sandra, clean up your toys so you can have a snack.” “Finish getting dressed so you can go out and play.” Mom has learned that if she tells Sandra that she’ll get a reward, then Sandra is more likely to do the task. The problem is that Mom is appealing…

Be Prepared for Resistance
• • • • • Parenting Tip January 3, 2015 Be Prepared for Resistance Parents are sometimes surprised when their children resist correction. Some children seem to resent hearing instruction or advice from us. As parents we need to learn to expect some of that resistance and even prepare for it. This may seem obvious, but many parents react with emotion when they don’t get a positive response from their kids. That emotion often intensifies the situation and isn’t helpful.…