Suggestions for Influencing Teens
• • • • • Parenting Tip October 17, 2014 Suggestions for Influencing Teens Even the best of parents must make some changes in the way they parent as their children grow up. The old methods of relating don’t work the same way anymore. In fact, they seem to cause problems instead. Of all the changes teens make, the most important one is probably the adjustment in their relationship with their parents. They’re moving from a parent-child relationship to an…

Some Tips for Helping Kids Deal with Anger
• • • • • Parenting Tip October 6, 2014 Some Tips for Helping Kids Deal with Anger Anger damages relationships. We help parents every week in our office deal with anger in their families. Here are several guidelines we’ve found helpful for anger management in a home. When parents and kids work on these things, anger episodes are reduced. Make these a regular part of your routine and you’ll see tremendous progress. 1. Never argue with children who are…

One Way to Teach Kids Honor
• • • • • Parenting Tip October 3, 2014 One Way to Teach Kids Honor One of the ways that parents can teach honor to children is to include it in the instruction process. You might say, “I’d like you to obey me by setting the table, then I want you to think of something extra to do to surprise me. That’s showing honor. You choose; it’s up to you. Report to me when you’re done and I’ll check…

Bad Attitudes Are Automatic Responses
• • • • • Parenting Tip September 26, 2014 Bad Attitudes Are Automatic Responses Attitudes can be good or bad and are inherently interwoven into everything we do. They often rest just below the surface and are sometimes difficult to read or understand in adults, let alone our children. Billions of dollars are spent each year to create or change attitudes in you toward certain products or activities. Furthermore, attitudes are highly contagious. As a parent, you know that…

The Value of Training
• • • • • Parenting Tip September 19, 2014 The Value of Training Every day you’re training your children to become healthy responsible adults. Is it okay to get up and walk away in the middle of a meal? Is it acceptable to leave the table without helping to clean it up? Is it all right to eat without saying thank you to the one who prepared the meal? How will kids learn what’s appropriate if you don’t train…

The Value of Correction
• • • • • Parenting Tip September 11, 2014 The Value of Correction Correcting children can be exasperating. Part of the problem is that children don’t usually value correction. Instead they become defensive, offer excuses, blame others, or even blame themselves. These manipulative techniques cause children to miss the benefits of correction. Of course, it’s not just a kid problem. How do you respond when your spouse or co-worker offers some helpful criticism? What about from your children? Are…

The Good Side of Anger
• • • • • Parenting Tip September 5, 2014 The Good Side of Anger We’ve worked with many families, helping them deal with anger, both in children and adults. One of the first truths that we try to communicate is that anger is good for identifying problems but not good for solving them. Unfortunately, too many people don’t understand anger’s benefit and, as a result, end up feeling guilty about being angry, further complicating the emotional picture. It’s important…

A Practical Way to Teach Responsibility
• • • • • Parenting Tip August 15, 2014 A Practical Way to Teach Responsibility Some children have a hard time doing anything without getting distracted. One mom, Heather, said, “When I tell my five-year-old son, James, to go get his shoes on because we’ve got to leave, he doesn’t come back. When I go look, I find him sitting on the floor playing with his cars. And it’s not just his shoes. Whenever I tell him to do…

A Practical Way to Teach Values
• • • • • Parenting Tip August 8, 2014 A Practical Way to Teach Values Here’s a practical and effective way to teach values in your family-explain the reasons behind your rules. When you think of rules, you may just think of a list of do’s and don’ts that you are trying to impress upon your children. Rules can be much more than that though. They can be used as the vehicle to communicate values to your children. When…

Not Just Behavior Change
• • • • • Parenting Tip July 26, 2014 Not Just Behavior Change Joey’s preschool teacher told him to sit down. He said, “No.” The teacher, not wanting to be outdone, leaned over Joey and said sternly, “You sit down!” Joey sat down, looked up at the teacher, and replied, “I’m sitting on the outside, but I’m standing on the inside.” Too many children are like Joey, changing their behavior in response to discipline but continuing to disobey in…