Some Kids Drain Energy Out of Family Life
• • • • • Parenting Tip July 23, 2014 Some Kids Drain Energy Out of Family Life Some children have the ability to suck the energy right out of family life. These children are demanding of your time, need a lot of correction, and seem to be magnets for conflict. They are often emotionally explosive but almost always drain the energy out of parents and other family members. Unfortunately then, these children develop a negative view of themselves based…

Use Generosity to Teach Honor
• • • • • Parenting Tip July 16, 2014 Use Generosity to Teach Honor Honor means treating people as special, doing more than what’s expected, and having a good attitude. We work hard to develop honor in family life and are continually looking for new ways to teach it. One helpful way to teach honor is to be generous as a family. Generosity opens our hearts as well as the hearts of the people who receive from us. Giving…

Getting Kids to Listen without Yelling
• • • • • Parenting Tip July 9, 2014 Getting Kids to Listen without Yelling When we teach parents to avoid responding to their children in anger we get a common reaction: “But my kids won’t obey unless I get angry.” And you’re probably right, but only because you’ve taught your children to wait until you’re angry before they have to obey. You give your kids cues to know when you mean business. Those cues tell your child that…

Use Rules to Teach Values
• • • • • Parenting Tip June 24, 2014 Use Rules to Teach Values Every family has rules. As children grow older the rules change but the underlying values stay the same. For example, the three-year-old who isn’t permitted out of the house without supervision, may be allowed to play in the front or back yard when he is five. The ten-year-old may be required to check in if leaving the neighborhood, and the teenager must report in at…

Kids Love Heroes
• • • • • Parenting Tip June 18, 2014 Kids Love Heroes Isn’t it interesting how kids are drawn to heroes? We think kids love heroes for a good reason. Heroes are characterized by four things: they do what’s right, deal with wrongs, are honest, and they care about others. Kids love heroes because God has placed a conscience inside each child that prompts them in the same four ways: to do what’s right, deal with wrongs, be honest,…

Identify the Cues of Anger
• • • • • Parenting Tip June 12, 2014 Identify the Cues of Anger Helping children deal with anger is an important task of parenting. Many parents report that there is no time between the trigger and the response in their children. Before we can teach children anger management, we must first help them see anger coming on. James 1:19 says that we should be slow to anger. Here are some ways to help children slow down the process.…

Anger is Good
• • • • • Parenting Tip May 28, 2014 Anger is Good Parents get angry, but anger isn’t always bad. In fact, parents often get angry when children are doing something wrong. It’s best to view anger as a flag, created by God, that says, “Something is wrong here.” The something wrong may be an unrealistic expectation on the parent’s part, but it’s often a problem in the child that needs attention. Disobedience, selfishness, arguing, and bickering are just…

Stop Anger When it Starts
• • • • • Parenting Tip May 21, 2014 Stop Anger When it Starts The child who is getting frustrated with a puzzle or struggling with a friend needs to learn how to deal with the building energy inside before exploding. We encourage children and parents to learn to stop. The size of the “stop” depends on the intensity of the anger. Sometimes the stop means engaging in another activity or leaving the situation. Other times it just means…

Where a Bad Attitude Comes From
• • • • • Parenting Tip May 19, 2014 Where a Bad Attitude Comes From Sometimes children obey but they do it with a bad attitude. Honor is the solution. It’s important to teach children what honor looks like in very practical terms. One mom defined attitude as “the heart of how you do something.” Obedience is revealed in actions. Honor is revealed in the attitude that goes along with those actions. Often a bad attitude comes from an…

Vacation Bible School Preview