Articles (Page 15)

What is Your Action Point?
• • • • • Parenting Tip January 15, 2013 What is Your Action Point? Why is it that Dad can get the kids in bed faster than Mom? Or, Why do children respond differently in the classroom, on the playground, and in the home? The answer to these questions has to do with a number of factors but one piece of the puzzle is what we call an action point. An action point reveals the cues that…

Compliance versus Obedience
• • • • • Parenting Tip January 12, 2013 Compliance versus Obedience Some parents say, “I can usually get my children to do what I say eventually.” Parents sometimes think that obedience is the same as compliance. When you say to your son, “Please leave the computer and help me bring the groceries in from the car,” and he says, “As soon as I get to the next level,” that’s not obedience. Now, we don’t believe that a child…

Understanding Obedience
• • • • • Parenting Tip January 4, 2013 Understanding Obedience We live in a society where an emphasis on teaching obedience sounds to some like heavy-handed authoritarianism. Parents don’t want to be dictators so they sometimes move far away from anything that looks like being controlling. This is unfortunate since God is the one who gave the instructions for children to learn obedience. Hidden within this quality are the principles that will make children successful as they get…

The Stop Rule
• • • • • Parenting Tip December 29, 2012 The Stop Rule Teasing and playing around can be amusing, but usually one person wants to stop before the other. Angry words and tears often bring an end to what started out as fun. Incorporating a “Stop Rule” in your family will help children, and parents too for that matter, know when to quit. The Stop Rule is simply this: When a child wants to be done with…

A Time to Practice Saying Thank You
• • • • • Parenting Tip December 22, 2012 A Time to Practice Saying Thank You Gratefulness is an important life quality because it helps us to be thankful for what we have instead of complaining about what we don’t have. Gratefulness is a lifestyle but it starts by saying “Thank you” to others who bless us. Begin now to prepare your children for receiving gifts. Talk about the importance of the giver, not just the gift. Teach children…

We Live in a Difficult World
From The National Center for Biblical Parenting We’re all grieved by what’s happened in Newtown, Connecticut. Helping children deal with tragedy is a challenge. If you’re looking for some ideas, you may want to read the article posted on our website here. If you have some other ideas to help families process painful events in our world, visit our blog to comment.

Being a Servant at Christmas
Parenting Tip December 15, 2012 Being a Servant at Christmas Sometimes children believe that the whole world revolves around them. Parents, because they enjoy caring for their kids, may at times contribute to a child-centered mentality and further reinforce this misconception. Children can get the impression that parents, siblings, and even the family pets are there simply to make them happy. The result is demandingness and an unpleasant attitude. One of the ways to counteract this tendency is to…

Christmas: A Time to Teach Generosity
• • • • • Parenting Tip December 8, 2012 Christmas: A Time to Teach Generosity Christmas is a highlight in the life of most children, but much of the benefit is focused on what they get. Of course one of the blessings of Christmas is giving, so look for ways to teach children generosity this year. Here are some ideas: Involves kids in your gift-giving strategy or help them develop their own. Planning, shopping, and wrapping can each…

Should I Make My Kids Apologize?
• • • • • Parenting Tip December 5, 2012 Should I Make My Kids Apologize? Often reconciliation requires that an offender come back to try to make things right. How do we teach children to handle these situations? Saying “I’m sorry” is a reflection of an emotion that one feels inside. If a child truly feels sorrow for doing the wrong thing, then saying, “I’m sorry” is certainly appropriate. Sometimes children don’t believe they’ve done anything wrong. Or…

The Heart is a Wrestling Place
• • • • • Parenting Tip November 24, 2012 The Heart is a Wrestling Place The heart is where we wrestling with things. When experience, teaching, and values need to be integrated into life, it happens in the workshop of the heart. Information comes into our heads on a regular basis but much of it just stays there. Only when it moves down to our hearts does it become part of our lives. When eight-year-old, Jordan,…