Articles (Page 18)

What Would You Give for a Doughnut?
PUSHUPS FOR DOUGHNUTS It’s been a dozen years since I first taught this lesson to a youth group. It’s been a couple thousand years since it was originally presented to mankind. Here is how it unfolds… I begin by asking a student if they would like a doughnut. They usually accept. That’s when I ask one of their peers (who has agreed beforehand) if they were willing to do 10 pushups so that the student can have a doughnut. He…

Family Camp Out
Family Camp-Out (The following is a guest article written by Hope Gibson) The League City church of Christ would like to invite all those who are interested in a fun-filled weekend of camping pleasure and family fun to the Huntsville State Park on December 14, 15, & 16, 2012. League City church of Christ has hosted family campout weekends over the last 11 plus years. It is always a joy to spend time with our family and grow closer…

The Real Value of Learning to Obey
• • • • • Parenting Tip August 30, 2012 The Real Value of Learning To Obey Children need to learn to obey, but not merely to make their parents’ lives easier. We don’t teach kids to obey for our own convenience. We teach obedience because hidden within that character quality are a number of principles that will help children to be successful in life. When kids learn obedience, they learn to consider the needs of others. They learn to…

Be a Friend!
I hope you have noticed that we have made a change to the title of our efforts on the 9th, from “Bring a Friend” to “BE a Friend.” It was, hopefully, more than cosmetic or semantic. Our purpose for the day is two-fold: First, we want it to dovetail with Apple Tree Program, to show our children that they have a friend here (not just through prayer). Second, we want to make our friends / community aware that they have…

Help Children Change Their Hearts
• • • • • Parenting Tip August 23, 2012 Help Children Change Their Hearts Too often parents focus only on behavior, getting the right actions down, but they don’t address the heart. Jesus criticized the Pharisees, saying that they looked good on the outside but their hearts were still not changed. He said, “First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.” Focusing on behavior change is not enough. Many parents…
The Weird One
I said something I shouldn’t have the other day. It was a casual comment. I didn’t think it was anything harmful, nor did I mean for it to be. It was only a two word spark (James 3:5) and that’s it. “He’s weird.” Then it happened. The spark ignited more than I intended. “And you’re not?” was the comment casually made in my direction from someone who heard my two word nothing. That’s when it hit me. My words, whatever…
Dominica Mission 2011
Our Dominica mission trip for 2011 is now in the record books, and it was a tremendous success! And, I can measure that success in multiple ways. First of all, our group was able to conduct Bible studies with 168 different people in the village of St. Joseph, which was our target community this year. And all this work was done in five full workdays and four half workdays of canvassing. Many of those people were studied with multiple times,…