LCYG – Youth (Page 10)

Teaching Children About Anger
• • • • • Parenting Tip November 12, 2013 Teaching Children About Anger Anger is a common problem in family life, especially among siblings. Although it’s very frustrating for parents, a wise mom or dad can use anger episodes to teach kids some valuable lessons about anger control and dealing with emotions. First, empathize with your child about the offense. “I can see why you’re upset. That makes sense.” Second, if the offender was wrong, acknowledge that fact. “Your…

Honesty Requires Character
• • • • • Parenting Tip November 8, 2013 Honesty Requires Character Lying is a sign of a character weakness. It’s a shortcut. Greed and impulsiveness set a person up for dishonesty. A child who lies sacrifices a clear conscience for some kind of immediate gain. He exchanges godly values for a quick-fix solution. Here are three character qualities foundational for honesty. First, children who succumb to lying often lack contentment. They seem to want more than they have…

The Truth about Lying
• • • • • Parenting Tip November 4, 2013 The Truth about Lying Deception is a term we use to describe a number of kinds of dishonest words or actions. Lying is only one piece of the bigger puzzle. Some people define lying as saying something that is not true, but we believe lying has more to do with the intent of the speaker. The person who reports inaccurate information is just mistaken unless he intends to deceive. We…

Should I Change My Mind?
• • • • • Parenting Tip October 28, 2013 Should I Change My Mind? When parents say no, sometimes children choose to argue and plead their case. In the interaction parents can learn new information that persuades them to change their minds. Unfortunately during the dialogue children may treat parents with disrespect and be downright mean. Parents then must decide whether to change their mind or not. Changing your mind isn’t always bad but you need to make a…

Don’t Take The Bait
• • • • • Parenting Tip October 23, 2013 Don’t Take The Bait Be careful when your children bait you and try to draw you into a fight. If you’re easily sucked into an argument with your child, it may be an indication that you need to do some work on your own anger. It’s amazing that children are smart enough to find those buttons that will set us off, but what’s more amazing is that parents take the…

Don’t be Deterred by Resistance
• • • • • Parenting Tip October 17, 2013 Don’t be Deterred by Resistance Children often don’t understand why parents instruct, correct, or set limits for them. Your kids likely question your wisdom and motivations. Although your children may resist your parenting, don’t give up. There will be times when you’d rather escape than confront, rest than correct, or do the job yourself instead of instructing your children to do it. Parenting requires sacrifice and work. Be courageous to…

A Work in Progress
• • • • • Parenting Tip October 15, 2013 A Work in Progress How you view your children and what you think about correction can help you stay calm when things get tough. Imagine a car dealership where a man named Martin works in the showroom. Martin shows cars to prospective customers. If he sees a car without a door, he’s surprised and upset. He doesn’t expect to see defects. Cars in the showroom are supposed to be finished.…

Monitor Frustration Levels
• • • • • Parenting Tip October 11, 2013 Monitor Frustration Levels When allowing a child to solve a problem, it’s important to monitor the frustration level. A little frustration, overcome by persistence, builds determination and self confidence. Too much frustration causes discouragement. Coaching your child through the problem-solving process requires patience and sensitivity. Here’s where the parent’s role becomes so important. Unfortunately some parents turn into drill sergeants, commanding their children, and telling them exactly how to solve…

Allow Life to Be the Teacher
• • • • • Parenting Tip October 10, 2013 Allow Life to Be the Teacher When children experience problems in life, some whine and complain or have bad attitudes. But problems and decisions make great opportunities to teach children to face life’s challenges. Wanting to spare their children frustration in life, parents sometimes step in unnecessarily, but by rescuing kids they may be robbing them of learning opportunities. Frustration often provides motivation to children, and a parent’s patient coaching…

Desire and Temptation
• • • • • Parenting Tip October 3, 2013 Desire and Temptation We all wish our children would desire the right things in life and avoid tempting situations. Desires reside in the heart and can be good or bad. Psalm 37:4 tells us “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Knowing the difference between a healthy desire and a temptation, however, can be a challenge at times, especially for kids. A…