LCYG – Youth (Page 4)

When Kids Tend to Blame Others
• • • • • Parenting Tip March 18, 2015 When Kids Tend to Blame Others Isn’t it amazing that some children seem to be able to see every factor that went into their current problem except their own part in it? Indeed, some kids have a problem blaming others and not taking responsibility for their part of the problem. In the child’s mind, it’s always someone else’s fault. These children have the ability to see all kinds of reasons…

Persevering in Communication
• • • • • Parenting Tip March 4, 2015 Persevering in Communication Some parents lose their desire to communicate on a deeper level because their children reject their opinions, feelings, or initiative. That hurts. It may take a while for your children to see you’re trying to connect in significant ways. You may have to discipline a child for insensitivity or meanness, but continue to explain to your kids what you’re doing. Children often resist love when they need…

Building Closeness
• • • • • Parenting Tip February 25, 2015 Building Closeness Parents must maintain a balance as they work with their kids. Firmness, confrontation, and correction in a child’s life are tools that God uses to address heart issues. You won’t get very far, however, by simply telling your children the right thing to do. Remember that a child can only take as much pressure as the relationship can withstand. Those who apply force without relationship end up with…

Understanding Level 2 Thinking
• • • • • Parenting Tip February 20, 2015 Understanding Level 2 Thinking The development of the conscience helps children live on two levels of thinking at the same time. Life isn’t only about playing with a toy, eating food, or taking care of oneself. When teaching responsibility, every activity has a second dimension. Children learn to watch the clock, monitor their own fairness, and think about how their current action affects others. We call that level two thinking.…

How Can I Get My Children to Take Initiative?
• • • • • Parenting Tip February 10, 2015 How Can I Get My Children to Take Initiative? Prodding kids along to get things done drains family life. We all know it. If only kids could see what needs to be done and take some initiative! Is it possible to train children to act without the continual pushing and prodding from parents? We say Yes! It is possible but it doesn’t typically happen without some intentional work. In the…

A Heart Approach is Different
• • • • • Parenting Tip January 9, 2015 A Heart Approach is Different Many parents use a simple behavior modification approach to raise their children. “If you get your homework done, then you can go out and play.” “If you clean your room, then you can watch a video.”?? Unfortunately children trained this way often develop a “What’s in it for me?” mentality. “If I don’t get something out of it, why should I obey?”?? God is concerned…

Be Careful of Behavior Modification
• • • • • Parenting Tip January 24, 2015 Be Careful of Behavior Modification Sandra is four years old. You can often hear her mom make statements like this. “Sandra, clean up your toys so you can have a snack.” “Finish getting dressed so you can go out and play.” Mom has learned that if she tells Sandra that she’ll get a reward, then Sandra is more likely to do the task. The problem is that Mom is appealing…

Be Prepared for Resistance
• • • • • Parenting Tip January 3, 2015 Be Prepared for Resistance Parents are sometimes surprised when their children resist correction. Some children seem to resent hearing instruction or advice from us. As parents we need to learn to expect some of that resistance and even prepare for it. This may seem obvious, but many parents react with emotion when they don’t get a positive response from their kids. That emotion often intensifies the situation and isn’t helpful.…

Christmas, A Time to Practice Saying Thank You
• • • • • Parenting Tip December 23, 2014 Christmas, A Time to Practice Saying Thank You Gratefulness is an important life quality because it helps us to be thankful for what we have instead of complaining about what we don’t have. Gratefulness is a lifestyle but it starts by saying “Thank you” to others who bless us. Begin now to prepare your children for receiving gifts. Talk about the importance of the giver, not just the gift. Teach…

Being a Servant at Christmas
Parenting Tip December 15, 2014 Being a Servant at Christmas Sometimes children believe that the whole world revolves around them. Parents, because they enjoy caring for their kids, may at times contribute to a child-centered mentality and further reinforce this misconception. Children can get the impression that parents, siblings, and even the family pets are there simply to make them happy. The result is demandingness and an unpleasant attitude. One of the ways to counteract this tendency is to teach…