Sermons on Luke

The Only Way of Salvation
4/17/2022 The Only Way of Salvation – by Tyler Young *Click on “Save” to download the sermon audio or a PDF version of the PowerPoint.*
FACE TO FACE WITH JESUS – PART 2: Through the Eye of a Needle
8/23/2020 Face to Face with Jesus – Part 2: Through the Eye of a Needle *Click on “Save” to download the sermon audio or a PDF version of the PowerPoint.*
Strive To Enter The Narrow Door
7/26/2020 Strive To Enter The Narrow Door *Click on “Save” to download the sermon audio or a PDF version of the PowerPoint.*

Unlimited Forgiveness
7/14/2019 – AM – Matthew 18:21-35– Ephesians 4:29-5:2– Luke 23:34 *Click on “Save” to download the sermon audio or a PDF version of the PowerPoint.*