Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

Online Men’s Class

We have an online Men’s Class every Thursday at 7pm. The format is similar to the Men’s Class on Wednesday evenings at the building. We will have a time of prayer requests and prayer, read through that evening’s scripture, and discuss how it applies to us as Christian men. We are currently studying the book of 2 Timothy. We request that you familiarize yourself with the text prior to the class.

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The online class will be hosted via the Go-To-Meeting web-based platform. Anyone will be able to join via their computer, tablet, smartphone, or a telephone call-in number. In order to join you will need the meeting ID and Password. To get these, simply email Scott Ratcliff is monitoring this email and will respond with the meeting ID and password. If you have trouble emailing, please contact Scott at (210) 722-7998 or contact the church office at (281) 332-1015.

We look forward to our virtual time together each week and pray you and your family are doing well!


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