Come Visit!
You are invited to visit with us whenever we assemble. Investigate for yourself. We will strive to welcome you warmly and allow you to relax and observe.
In our worship assemblies, we seek a spiritual atmosphere where the main goal is to honor God. We do this by engaging in congregational singing (Colossians 3:16), prayers (Acts 4:23-24), the Lord’s Supper (I Corinthians 11:23-26), giving (I Corinthians 16:1-2), and the study and preaching of the word of God (Acts 20:7). We do this in both our 10am and 5pm services. We would love for you to worship with us at both services every Sunday. We also get together Wednesday evenings at 7pm for Bible class.
Worship with a gathering of others seeking to know God can be an uplifting experience and a welcome relief from the grind of our weekly schedules.